Aren’t we supposed to believe that liberals are the true supporters of freedom of speech? That they are the guardians of that sacred right of Americans to express themselves on all matters political, religious, and more?
Wrong again. Liberals are for the freedom of speech of other liberals. Oh, they don’t mind a few “right-wing crackpots” making comments so long as they aren’t influential enough to really make a difference in public opinion.
But when a serious commentator influences an audience by pointing out something unflattering to the progressive agenda or one of its exponents, the “tolerant” mask comes off, and the liberal’s job of either disgracing or silencing that critic gets started in earnest.
We see this happen quite often, but the latest outrage relates to the questioning of Hillary’s health in the light of what appears to be some bizarre behavior by the candidate on numerous occasions.
For now
Who the$#%&!@*does this DOUCHE think she is….. put her in a cage full of hyena’s.
Fellow working Americans use this Presidential election and your vote to be heard by the Republican and Democratic institutions that have some scary candidates this election season, created an unfathomable debt and lost their focus on the prosperity and well being of the average working American who in reality are the only reason our great Country continues to sustain.
Give the Libertarian Party, Gary Johnson and Bill Weld your vote on November 8, 2016. No matter who gets the job, one term will not be enough to make significant change. When the Republican and Democratic institutions see the Libertarian Party’s votes are growing or better gets the job, they’ll understand the working American is fed up and will use their vote to make it clear they will no longer tolerate their self serving agendas.
The Libertarian agenda is not perfect, but it’s a start to change and I for one want our great Country back in control of it’s working Americans and not a government with career politicians who have sold this Country and the backs of its working Americans for decades to come to the interest of corporations, foreign powers and a small percentage of Americans who see themselves as elite for their own prosperity.
Personally, I see our Country is in the same situations that lead our founding fathers to write and risk their lives for, signing the Constitution of the United States.
Why is’nt this report published so the nation can read it . GOOD WORK an POST GERRY
They claim to be unbiased. Such b******t.
My thoughts exactly. Probably getting fired was a warning. Shut up now, or die. The Clinton Mafia doesn’t mess around too long.
Hillery is a total$#%&!@*and a killer
Watch your back