HLN television host Dr Drew Pinksy has said that he’s concerned about the medical treatment that Hilary Clinton is receiving from her doctors. Specifically that she’s being treated for chronic pulmonary embolisms, or blood clots, without outdated medicine.
Ignoring politics for the moment, if what Dr. Drew says is true then Hillary Clinton is not medically safe to run for President. Most voters are willing to look past issues of age, but maltreated chronic blood clots can result in sudden death. Hillary Clinton is at risk of suddenly succumbing to one at any moment, which raises obvious terminal concerns. A dead person can’t run a country.
Of course, the Clinton campaign has not commented on these concerns. In fact, Hillary Clinton’s personal doctor has stated that she is “healthy” and fit to run for President. Without the second opinion of another doctor, there is no way to confirm that. Dr. Drew’s cursory glance at Clinton’s health treatments should raise alarms, but don’t expect another statement from the Clinton campaign.
Find out what Dr. Drew thinks of Clinton’s health on page 2.
Good. Bye bye traitor
You caused me laugh so loud !!!
I wish
Oh well!
we are not that lucky
Quit teasing us….
hillary-clinton-will-bring-a-permanent-darkness-of-deceit-and-despair/ Hillary is polarizing / calculating / and disingenuous / pure evil. You who are voting for Clinton, your kids may be the next ones she have killed and then say to you “what does it matter” and smiles as she saying it. If she can’t satisfy her husband, how is she going satisfy the nation, kill all of us that don’t believe her way?
I don’t wish that on her or anyone for that matter know four people that had that happen one lived took a long time for her to recover though and she was young to . not good but she still needs to go to JAIL for her crimes .
We could be so lucky.
We can only hope!