As the first case of Ebola transmission has occured between one American and another within the US (a healthcare worker caught it from Patient 0 – Thomas Duncan), Dr. David Sanders has come forward to state that Ebola is primed to become airborne because “It can enter the lung from the airway side.”
Tired of f**e post it would of killed many of us by now flag this post
Lol, wow, compelling “article”. So easy to drive fear and stupidity into the public, even with a three sentence paragraph..
Not true! This is a f**e article!!!
Keep up the paranoia everyone. Youre more dangerous than the disease itself
Sneezing makes Ebola airborne….
What a bunch of c**p. Buncha frightened little bunnies believing in this. You’re all hilarious.
Obama demlibs: proven wrong about Russia, Iraq, Syria, ISIS, Iran, Hamas, Insurance Rates, Solyndra, etc, etc…. now he says we got Ebola under control…we’ll stop it in it’s tracks.
Aerosol…created when you sneeze or cough. Just like when you walk out on a foggy morning and can see the little droplets on the air.
ONE of those tiny droplets can contain 1000’s of viruses….ONE of those tiny droplets can EASILY be sucked into your AIRWAY….just like when you walk out on that foggy morning and breath, your breathing in 1000’s on a single breath.
Airborne is about a 70yr out of date term.
It’s aerosol spread. An infected ebola patient CAN most CERTAINLY SPREAD IT with a sneeze or cough.
To ASSUME otherwise is just plain old STUPID. I have found the saying “you can’t fix stupid” to be TRUE.
It is already airborne, the person’s that died weren’t all infected by fluid tranfer!
Ridiculous post by these people as usual