As the first case of Ebola transmission has occured between one American and another within the US (a healthcare worker caught it from Patient 0 – Thomas Duncan), Dr. David Sanders has come forward to state that Ebola is primed to become airborne because “It can enter the lung from the airway side.”
I saw this comming and yet the CDC says it can’t happen. Well wake the hell up. It can happen and it probably will if something isn’t done right now.
hold albozo responsible this is abuse on the american people something needs to be done
Have a potential to become? Really? THATS WHAT IT IS!!!! Sick of doctors in OBAMAS pockets trying to spin it any other way!!!!!! They are all QUACKS!
Then why are you using against ISIS/ISIL?
it is airborn they are lying to the public
I dont think its true
this needs to be stopped now!! Just another way for Obama to ruin our country and take it from us
And that is exactly what I thought hummmmmmmm
Makes no sense closing the barn door after the cow has left. Why not close our borders before the ebola epidemic becomes a disaster in our own country.