Ever the controversial straight shooter, Dr. Ben Carson recently called President Obama a ‘psychopath’, as reported by GQ.
Dr. Carson is hardly the first person to come forward with such an assessment. Mental health experts Dr. Gina Loudon and Dr. Sam Vaknin have both questioned Obama’s sanity. The latter stating he possibly has Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
No she isn’t.
Yes he is and so are his followers
That’s exactly what his is!!!!
Great Doctor, Obuma should’ve known his like this Dr knew his job, the country would be in better shape!
All you liberal assholes can still keep jerking off Obuma!!!
That’s why he smiles!
He is right.
Dr. Ben is absolutely right, and if you read the word of God you would know it and understand it, the bible tells you all you need to know to understand!!!
on point
Do reserch next time cathy before you call something f**e news!.