Ever the controversial straight shooter, Dr. Ben Carson recently called President Obama a ‘psychopath’, as reported by GQ.
Dr. Carson is hardly the first person to come forward with such an assessment. Mental health experts Dr. Gina Loudon and Dr. Sam Vaknin have both questioned Obama’s sanity. The latter stating he possibly has Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
As are Bill and Hillary Clinton!
I have thought that for a few years now. Love him.
Pure BS…….
Obama is indeed a sycopath
he is and so is Killary… no doubt
This dr knows what he’s talking about.
I agree . He is also a sociopath
I most certainly agree with Clint Eastwood when he wisely said that Obama “is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people”, and with Charles Krauthammer when he asserts that Obama should be arrested. Moreover, I personally consider Obama the worst and most anti-American president in this nation’s history, and his presidency a true disaster, for he has definitely turned his back on this country, and on his own half breeds and blacks and making it weaker and weaker, and the world a more dangerous place!!!
under statement!