Ever the controversial straight shooter, Dr. Ben Carson recently called President Obama a ‘psychopath’, as reported by GQ.
Dr. Carson is hardly the first person to come forward with such an assessment. Mental health experts Dr. Gina Loudon and Dr. Sam Vaknin have both questioned Obama’s sanity. The latter stating he possibly has Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Your thought process is dead on. But being a radical Muslim terrorist, murderer, perjuror, treasonous enabler of terrorism domestically and internationally…… this certainly contributes to hi membership in that stone aged barbaric cult.
Love Dr. Ben, Donald Trump for President.
You said “…a man that does more thinking than public speaking…” you could say that about any person on planet Earth. Instead of spewing incoherent hogwash, say something logical.
no kidding?
What would you have any of these people who speak out do? Oh wise one.
I’m going with he’s a psychopath for sure
Brainwashed puppet from the time his Daddy started on him as a boy
I think the war is going to be on soon, whether we want to fight it or not. For all of our kids sake, I hope we win.
And trump the guy you are supporting isn’t? Really!!!!