Dr. Ben Carson is well known for being a controversial straight shooter and he’s even called President Obama a ‘psychopath’, as reported by GQ.
Dr. Carson, who won the Southern Republican Leadership Conference straw poll, and is proving to be a conservative voter favorite along with Donald Trump, is not the first person to offer such an assessment. Mental health experts Dr. Gina Loudon and Dr. Sam Vaknin have both questioned Obama’s sanity. Vaknin stated he possibly has Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Then why is he still in office???
Look, using insults doesn’t prove anything on your side. I’ve watched his movie as well as read two of Carson’s books, one of which outlined his plan for the U.S. and where his somewhat anti-gun policies were first seen. You completely ignored that one of his advisors is in favor of Nation of Islam and wants taxpayers to fund Farrakhan, a terrorist. So talking about cherry picking… People should be aware of these things don’t you think? I have always supported him since the National prayer breakfast but these things should still be seen.
If you’re a nitwit know – nothing who opposes Donald Trump, you’re not going to like this video. But instead of letting it ruin your day, let it help you to choose the best candidate for America, Donald Trump.
“the mask of a law-abiding family man with children and ties to community leadership hid a deviant sadist…”
“…worked as a fast-food chain manager during the 1960s and became a self-made building contractor and Democratic precinct captain in the Chicago suburbs in the 1970s. Well-liked in his community…”
“…The whole edifice is precariously balanced on pillars of denial, splitting, projection, rationalization, and projective identification…the narcissist cannot afford to be rejected, spurned, insulted, hurt, resisted, criticized, or disagreed with…”
The doctor speaks the truth.
free up the happy plant
The Doctor knows best!