Recently on Fox News Radio, Dr. Ben Carson called out Obama
“Don’t you think it is reasonable for people who are seeking public office or are in public office to allow people to see what they’re getting and to expose their past record,” asked Carson.
“What you said is fair,” Fox host Alan Colmes replied. “But you just said a few moments ago, would you have the same reaction were it a white person versus a black person; no white president has ever been asked to produce a birth certificate.”
Carson again asked: “But has there been anybody else who has had a shroud of secrecy around their records like this?”
I care George, there’s “other” possibilities!!!!
Obama is the boogie man. Coming for your guns, make you choke on socialism. You right wingers truly are a bunch of morons!! Hah heh he ha ha heh.
1. Citizenship status 2. Moral character and other things should and do matter when it comes to holding offices of any kind. Race who cares. That’s nothing compared to moral character.
All of you people saying things about his birth certificate are idiots. NO other president has had to do it- despite having _white_ Russian enemies and having past presidents be caught in lies (water gate). But I doubt any of you morons care about that. Just the color of his skin will do fine for a reason to attack.
Raisin, I think you should check your facts alittle better, you don’t seem to know what your talking about. Get a grip you lefty
yeah people have been trying that old song and dane for 20 years. not gonna happen. he has paid off a lot of people
I would rather see school transcripts with dates and grades than a birth certificate that really can’t be verified.
raisin Kane it goes to show the ignorance of the left when all you’ll can do is throw the race card. no one on this thread has said one thing about his color. why because his color has nothing to do with it and in case you haven’t notice tard OBAMA IS MIXED. His mother was white and one of his fathers if his mother knew which one it was, was black. so what are you saying that people are only 50% prejudice against him. if you actually had two brain cells to rub together to to produce a coherent thought I would be amazed as I am sure most scientist would be as well. the fact that you on the left have to throw the race card every time youll lose an argument. you can’t even produce facts to back up anything that a liberal proposes that will actually help this country or its people. in fact every country socialist or communist that believes that gov’t is the answer has been proven wrong time and time again. so please take your trolling somewhere else.
You go, Dr. Ben Carson!!
Allen Combs is a bimbo that gets paid to say stupid things, thus he thinks he is very smart, in essence he a is first class ass hole and Ben would chew him up in little pieces, put them together on Fox and you will see…………………………………………………..