Recently on Fox News Radio, Dr. Ben Carson called out Obama
“Don’t you think it is reasonable for people who are seeking public office or are in public office to allow people to see what they’re getting and to expose their past record,” asked Carson.
“What you said is fair,” Fox host Alan Colmes replied. “But you just said a few moments ago, would you have the same reaction were it a white person versus a black person; no white president has ever been asked to produce a birth certificate.”
Carson again asked: “But has there been anybody else who has had a shroud of secrecy around their records like this?”
At least a birth certificate to prove you are an American!
Alan Combs is a jackass
after all this time wait til NOV then we can see if we can get a look at them
Only a Progressive Lberal would think race first.
Colmes has always been a jackass anything the socialists do he approves. As far as he is concerned NOBAMA is the best what an ass
I like this guy, but why the hell do we need obama
s permission? Puplic records must be available to the public!
Clayton—-unless you are Obama.
Than you Dr. Carson and God Bless you
Obama needs to show all records.