Recently on Fox News Radio, Dr. Ben Carson called out Obama
“Don’t you think it is reasonable for people who are seeking public office or are in public office to allow people to see what they’re getting and to expose their past record,” asked Carson.
“What you said is fair,” Fox host Alan Colmes replied. “But you just said a few moments ago, would you have the same reaction were it a white person versus a black person; no white president has ever been asked to produce a birth certificate.”
Carson again asked: “But has there been anybody else who has had a shroud of secrecy around their records like this?”
I needed two forms of ID to get a job welding in a factory, and most of the employees there are using drugs, guess the owners want to know who they can buy from. HaHa Go figure.
I hear a WHOLE LOTTA MONEY changed hands to keep his records sealed.
He was Born In Kenya, 4 days later he was brought to Hawaii and register there.. that is why there is no Doctors, Name on his Phony Birth Certificate and his S.S. is from another state.. Bill O Reilly is wrong on this one..
He has a very good poin there Ill give him that
Bill O Reilly is wrong alot ! Bill tries to stay politically correct on the issues which is a loser most of the time!
Both parties are using Barry to steal a ton of cash!
Alan Colms is a PUTZ , Naive and As Gullible as the Rest of the Sheeple who REFUSE to ACCEPT the Proven FACT, that Obama’s Birth Certificate was a Fraud and No Matter What the Evidence Shows, Continues to Defend and Protect this Phony POTUS, BECAUSE he’s a Liberal and BLACK!! He’s as Racist and Bigoted as the Rest of the Liberals in Obama’s Camp!!
Doesn’t seem unreasonable to me. I have to show Id just to buy a beer..
Jan Brent now where did you hear that?