Recently on Fox News Radio, Dr. Ben Carson called out Obama
“Don’t you think it is reasonable for people who are seeking public office or are in public office to allow people to see what they’re getting and to expose their past record,” asked Carson.
“What you said is fair,” Fox host Alan Colmes replied. “But you just said a few moments ago, would you have the same reaction were it a white person versus a black person; no white president has ever been asked to produce a birth certificate.”
Carson again asked: “But has there been anybody else who has had a shroud of secrecy around their records like this?”
Why shouldn’t he , u got to , if he is a real American ,we have to, he is a citizen of the us , it’s supposed to be in the county seat in which he lived .
i dont even want to see his records anymore. i want him to get the $#%&!@* out of America. anybody that would turn down 50 million dollars to charities of their choice in return of birth record proof is a pile of $#%&!@*ing $#%&!@* in my eyes!
i dont care what color you are produce and prove you are what you say you are
obama is a complete fraud. I can’t believe you idiots elected him twice!!!
Good, dmand it.
But is Dr. Carson oblivious to who those people are? Its ok for them to play dirty while they accuse others of playing dirty?
Jean like everyone else he wants the truth, guess you don’t, all WHITE MEN that have run for office is American, OVOMIT isn’t or he would be happy to show that he’s American, He’s a BLACK MUSLIN from Kenya out to destroy us!!!!
I agree with Carson. He’s also black, he had to get a background check to be where he is and His school records are Not locked! They had Bill Clinton to it! Not a racist’s a fact!
How bout W’s National Guard records and the SEC documents regarding his questionable stock transactions at Harken that left shareholders holding the bag. You mean those kinds of records?
To little ,to late….