Dozens of Democrats are moving forward with a lawsuit against President Donald Trump because they claim his business empire violates the emoluments clause of the Constitution.
The idea that Trump is violating the emoluments clause is one of the earliest charges against the Trump presidency. In the months since, charges of Russian collusion and obstruction of justice have mostly buried the issue — but now it’s back.
It seems the Democrats may be coming to terms with the fact that Trump will not be impeached. Despite the Democrats’ best efforts, no one has managed to produce any evidence that suggests Trump acted inappropriately with Comey or the Russians.
So they’re going back to their first, less serious accusation.
See the details of the charges against Trump on the next page:
This is exactly why nothing is getting accomplished in Washington. If they spent their time actually doing the jobs they were elected and paid to do our country would thrive once again.
Single payer,no thank you. It would be controlled by government and they would decide whether you get the care you need or not.
Desperate Demoncrats!
What idoits they are this is not for america, its for there pockets
They should have know that BEFORE he campaigned. Bringing it up now, is a day late and a dollar short. I’m sure Trump carefully separated himself from potential conflicts.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Sit down. Know your place and do your own damn jobs.
Where did they find an attorney that is so stupid that they do not know that this is never seeing the light of day. They don’t even know that this clause has to do with them & not the President!! lmao
so it is Ok with the democrats for an unknown community organizer to become very wealthy in the white house, but they are not Ok with a president who is already wealthy and donates his salary. ; One who knows how to run the country and start cutting down on the stealing and out of control spending?
They have had the run of Washington DC for so long that they think they own EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING!!!! Democrats are the cockiest acting people like they are so much better than everyone else I am so tickled to see so many of them getting caught up in their evil works!!!