Dozens of Democrats are moving forward with a lawsuit against President Donald Trump because they claim his business empire violates the emoluments clause of the Constitution.
The idea that Trump is violating the emoluments clause is one of the earliest charges against the Trump presidency. In the months since, charges of Russian collusion and obstruction of justice have mostly buried the issue — but now it’s back.
It seems the Democrats may be coming to terms with the fact that Trump will not be impeached. Despite the Democrats’ best efforts, no one has managed to produce any evidence that suggests Trump acted inappropriately with Comey or the Russians.
So they’re going back to their first, less serious accusation.
See the details of the charges against Trump on the next page:
Give it up! You lost!
Just stop. Y’all need to work for this country and us the people we elected you all and can replace you all tired of yalls c**p
I’m sueing the democrats for their most hateful, liberalism, moronic stunts that they pull. This is just the beginning.
It’s what atheist, socialist, snowflakes do. Waste money and time.
Everyone knew he had an empire. He was allowed to run, he won. Now let him do his job.
Poor dems
They are so over its looking comical for them now. Cartoon caption.
Dem in ocean swimming to get away from concervatives standing on island. But Trump and his team are the sharks circling. How appropriate. Its what their doing. Sink or
Another tantrum by the left. Quit whining and do your jobs, those of you who have them.
Why don’t you Libtards get over the fact that you lost the election? Get behind Trump and help our nation grow and be successful! But I see you don’t have a clue!
Give it up assholes you’re not going to get him impeached or throw it out why don’t you spend 1/4 of your time that you’re spending now for this stupid$#%&!@*to try to solve theGive it up assholes you’re not going to get him impeached or throw it out why don’t you spend 1/4 of your time that you’re spending now for this stupid$#%&!@*to try to solve the problems for the people of the United States which you are supposed to be serving that’s what you were hired for !!!