Dozens of Democrats are moving forward with a lawsuit against President Donald Trump because they claim his business empire violates the emoluments clause of the Constitution.
The idea that Trump is violating the emoluments clause is one of the earliest charges against the Trump presidency. In the months since, charges of Russian collusion and obstruction of justice have mostly buried the issue — but now it’s back.
It seems the Democrats may be coming to terms with the fact that Trump will not be impeached. Despite the Democrats’ best efforts, no one has managed to produce any evidence that suggests Trump acted inappropriately with Comey or the Russians.
So they’re going back to their first, less serious accusation.
See the details of the charges against Trump on the next page:
Hey it’s finally getting light out
Fire them all
Pathetic Bastards
Sue away idiots, it only worsens your life and keeps the country from real progress.
I’m so sick of the demo rats . They just keep flinging$#%&!@*and hoping something sticks .
Their hate for our president is more important to them than doing anything for this country or the American people . The whole lot of them deserves to be fired . They are worthless
sue you$#%&!@*see if it tells u stupid
B******T!!! Not a single Democrat voted for women’s suffrage. What Democrats did give us…KKK, rejected the vote to end slavery, and now they want Sharia law. Got any more f**e$#%&!@*pics, dickhead?
I say “We the people” file a class action law suit agaimst the Democrats and 3 Republicans involved for failing to kill obamacare and allowing “We the people” to create a single payer health care system that would allow us the oppprtunity to pick and choose a plan that works best for us.
Yep, that would be the Dems led by the George Soros, Clintons, Obama idiots.