Dozens of Democrats are moving forward with a lawsuit against President Donald Trump because they claim his business empire violates the emoluments clause of the Constitution.
The idea that Trump is violating the emoluments clause is one of the earliest charges against the Trump presidency. In the months since, charges of Russian collusion and obstruction of justice have mostly buried the issue — but now it’s back.
It seems the Democrats may be coming to terms with the fact that Trump will not be impeached. Despite the Democrats’ best efforts, no one has managed to produce any evidence that suggests Trump acted inappropriately with Comey or the Russians.
So they’re going back to their first, less serious accusation.
See the details of the charges against Trump on the next page:
President made special provisions to guard against conflicts with his business and his job of president. What in the #%&£¥@$ are these stupid people trying to do? Time for term limits to get the Rhinos out. If these people would work for the country and its people like they were voted to do, there wouldn’t be time to set around and dream up this stupid c**p. We are tired of paying for a congress that doesn’t work for the people!
These desperate Dems should stop whining and if they are employed in the government they should start working for America and earning their salaries, irrelevant of their political beliefs..
They’re are senile ad should be removed from their positions.
Jerry hit it. Free Rides over. Term Limits
Kiss off lost…face the facts loosers
well we can see the democraps want this country to fail they dont give a c**p about american people either
Dock these legislators for not doing what they were elected to do
On the surface it’s made to look as though those in the Democrat party, are trying to make it look like they are doing something, to appease their voter base, and be relevant……. Make it seem as though they are worried, since election for Senate/House is coming up in 2018……(All 435 House of Representatives seats, and 34 Senate seats are up for grabs)….I assert that the puppet masters (One World Order/New World Order) is all over the Dem parties case……Most, if not all, have taken money from Soros, (O.W.O/N.W.O puppet boy), and are dirty……(At least 20 RINO’s also)…..The globalist OWO/NWO is calling in it’s markers…………These psychopaths are worried to death that they will lose power…..The One World Order/New World Order has large ‘think tanks’, that are working overtime……..”No, no……..look over here at the shiny thing…….Don’t look over there.”………Look at the idiotic cr@p that Democrat House Reps, and Senate members are trying to push off….Only a 3 year old child would believe any of this junk they’re trying to pull…………………………….The OWO/NWO is about to be flushed………..(…~ and away goes trouble down the drain ~…….Roto-Rooter )
Dems just put up road blocks, to try and stop President Trumps plans, but it won’t work
Of their stupidity.