In case one needs a reminder, Obamacare sucks. Premiums are once again going to skyrocket in 2017, with double-digit increases that will hit consumers right around November 1, 2016.
This very well may be a good omen for Trump as only a week later America heads to the polls and several of the swing states will be impacted by the rate hikes.
Hillary has promised to make the Obamacare exchanges work, while Trump has stated that he will repeal it and replace it with something that will make America’s Healthcare Great Again.
Drastic increases on premiums hit Florida, Wisconsin and Michigan, Pennsylvania, as well as Virginia and North Carolina after Obamacare went into effect. Those who live in Illinois, Pennsylvania, Ohio and North Carolina are marking time before their states are hit with double-digit premium hikes.
Kaiser Family Foundation, Larry Levitt has said that the Obamacare will be debated on the campaign trail. The premium increases will become talking points for the candidates.
Will these double-digit premium hikes benefit Trump’s Campaign? Read about it on the next page:
People don’t trust Trump ,but they voted for this man! The Repubs told the Dems this wouldn’t work,but they didn’t stop it.Trump Pence!!
And stench it is
Breaking America
So what happened with going after the people without coverage? There were supposed to be fines to support Obamacare and to discourage people from not signing up.Guess Obama and the Democrats don’t want to punish people that can’t afford Obamacare during an election year and knew it would fail so they could implement a single payer system. Medicare for all. Just watch, If Hillary is elected, this will be her first order of business.
Trump/Pence only chance we got!
This was the plan from the beginning….Obama said it when he said that the people would not accept single payer system out of the gate but if you gradually worked to that point,it could get done….well to get to that point they have to have a system to get more people on the government dole but supposedly competitive market based.When that fails,as they knew and we said it would ,then they could come back and say that they tried the free market principles and failed…Damn,Obama failing on something,go figure…..this will fall on the next presidents desk,if there is one(new President,not desk) and if it is Hillary, she is going to push for a government subsidized single payer system,which is where they wanted it to go to begin with…..gotta get the masses attached to the tax payer teat cause once on it ,nobody wants to ween off it so then you become dependent on the government,WHICH IS WHAT BIG GOVERNMENT LIBS WANT SO YOU WILL KEEP THEM IN OFFICE AND IN POWER AND MONEY!
I have a self employed home caregiver friend, she couldn’t afford odummercare, they took her tax return, Ah…I think that’s called…communism?
you suck Ovomit for even allowing this monstrosity of a law to come into action
With Aetna dropping out of obamacare along with other insurers,does anybody think obamacare is another failed govt. program.