Planet Earth has been scheduled for destruction once again, this time by the author of the book ‘Planet X – The 2017 Arrival’ David Meade. According to this doomsday conspiracy theorist, a rogue planet called Planet X or Nibiru, a hypothesized blue planet larger than earth, which lies on the edge of our solar system, is on a devastating collision course with our planet and will destroy the world in October.
Okay, let the mystery of it all sink in for a moment, now prepare yourself for the counterargument. Those who believe in the Planet X/Nibiru claim also predicted that the planet would smash into Earth in 2003, 2012 and 2015. There are miscalculations and then there’s bad guess work. And like all conspiracy theorists, the Planet X supporters believe that the Earth is showing signs of the coming apocalypse in the form of volcano eruptions, heat waves and earthquakes.
But the experts don’t believe it for a second. Find out what they have to say on the next page.
Obama and the Republican establishment led by the traitor Senator John McCain, will lead us into a nuclear war with Russia this year.
What is really funny is BLM is funded by George Soros,a former$#%&!@*
I don’t care….it’s Gods business, HE alone knows…just be ready….clean up your act and pray to be saved….meaning….HEAVEN READY
No….just catapult that pos over that fence Obozo is building around history house…I’m sure he’ll hit something hard enough….SPLAT!!
Doom is in fact inevitable for not just earth but our entire solar system. But it won’t be for a few billion years. When the sun runs out of hydrogen… as it absolutely will one day. And goes boom. All life in this solar system will end. But I won’t be here so it’s no concern of. Mine !
12-12-2012 again? Haha
Who wants to know? Live each day to it’s fullest, this is God’s call! Be happy to wake up!
Again?!?! It was supposed to be lights out last week.
Larry M. Wright
what rubbish he never said it was going to hit earth but the orbit would bypass it and cause great distress to the eath