Political correctness, like its less virulent cousin relativism, destroys the ability of a people to discuss and debate matters that are crucial to the future of their society. Relativism corrupts the language by draining the meaning from words. Political correctness, on the other hand, is a deliberate attempt to place certain topics outside the bounds of permissible discussion. Taken to its extreme, those who control what is politically correct to discuss, control the society by neutering its ability to engage in discourse regarding matters that have been determined unacceptable by the societal gatekeepers. It is as insidious as it is destructive.
The current tempest revolves around the abhorrent language and thoughts by Mr. Trump that have just been revealed. There’s no point in trying to pass it off as something acceptable because “most everybody does it.” Nor will we stoop to making comments such as “at least he didn’t do things as bad as the Clintons.”
While those statements may very well be true, defending Mr. Trump by using such statements immerses one directly in relativism, one of the very things that has had such a deleterious impact on our nation. Put another way, what he said was wrong, and that indictment of his comments has nothing to do with what anyone else is doing. It stands on its own.
If relativism drains the meaning of our words, political correctness is a plain attempt to quarantine specific topics in order to control the agenda. It is destroying not only our nation and American culture, it’s actually killing people.
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What people should be asking is Why was a private conversation recorded And why did it turn up now One of the two was a bush lol
I cant hardly find a matching pair of socks But someone can dig up something from 12 years ago
And what have you done thinking it was private think about it
Trump is not running for sainthood, he is running to save our nation. Don’t sell out our country for a few misspoken words. Tucker Carlson issued an urgent warning on national television to Republicans who oppose Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton as president will change America forever, and not in a positive way.
“This is a pivot point in American history. If Hillary is elected – everyone is focused on her deficits as a person. The truth is it’s her policies. She’s going to open the borders, pack the Supreme Court and you are not going to have the same country. Maybe you like that, maybe you don’t. But we’re not going back to the status quo, period. And so Republicans need to understand if Trump loses, it is a new America, OK? A lot is on the line, whether you like him or not. That is real.”
Of course, Trump doesn’t make all Republican voters happy, but any Republican who is considering voting for Hillary over Trump needs to understand the catastrophic consequences she will have on our country.
A man who says it like it is outspoken outgoing and doesn’t back down
Trump all the way
Exactly,say the truth,no matter who you offend. I’m offended by everything,but I don’t say$#%&!@*
By keeping our gun.law and by built wall and put a ban on mulsm comming in our country built job keep job here ect ect
Hopefully the death of PC
The butcher of Benghazi…. yes that’s the correct definition. The people in the USA are so involved in this f**e utopia Hollywood and the media has created, they prefer to pander after a$#%&!@*who has broken the backs of America.
A woman who dominated Bill Clintons presidency, A woman who was shown to be an implicit liar about our national security, by the FBI, A woman who has demonized and persecuted women who her husband has raped and assaulted. A woman who sends FAKES to do rallies for her, to appear as an omnipresence, and sends a body double outside the door after a couple of hours, after totally stealing the 9/11 dedication day for herself..
A woman who has emasculated every man in her path, (especially her husband) as a self righteous v****a. A woman who lost 6 billion dollars of our money, and can’t account for what happened to it on her watch. A woman who has kept the black community in the ghettos waiting… promising and then forgetting them. This is a woman who is after one world order, and claims she will carry on the treason of Obama….. and you want to talk about righteous?
Mr. Trump definitely is NOT a smooth talker. He is though a speaker of truth.