Gun free zones simply don’t work. Reading a list of areas in which guns are restricted reads like a list of those most frequented by mass shootings. Chicago, college campuses, America’s inner cities. All of these places are gun free, and all just happen to have the most gun violence.
Sometimes the simple conclusion is the right conclusion. The less likely the victim to fight back, the more attractive the target.
Donald Trump wants to give these people the right to defend themselves, and his simple solution may just be the way to solve out country’s problem with gun violence.
It may sound counter-intuitive to end gun violence by increasing gun volume, but would you rather pull a gun on someone who is unarmed, or someone who is likely to shoot back?
Read Donald Trump’s statement on the next page:
they are nothing but free moving target practice zones
do you know one?
He could’nt abuse it anymore than Obama Bin Laden has or Killary would !
So you get that you just admitted that voting for him, is parallel to voting for one of those two, right?
Barbara. I actually know a few. I have worked for them, served in the military with them, and go to school with them. None of whom I ever had a bad experience with. Now, I am talking Muslims…NOT ISIS!
Trump will never get the chance. Don’t think the almighty Obummer is giving up his throne.
He should end Constitution Free Zones.
The only gun free zones should be around all the politicians and their sheep who refuse to see the truth !!
Thank You Sir. #TRUMP# Is it Impeachment Day or Treason? obooma and killery yet? Happy New Year TO ALL VET’S FB FRIENDS, #GOTRUMP# Thanks 1-800 TRUMP: Press 1 to get rid of Obama Press 2 to get rid of Clinton and Obama Press 3 to get rid of Congress Press 4 to get rid of the all.
#Trump# 2016 I myself and 100 other in the group of FB are voting for I am voting for #TRUMP#