Gun free zones simply don’t work. Reading a list of areas in which guns are restricted reads like a list of those most frequented by mass shootings. Chicago, college campuses, America’s inner cities. All of these places are gun free, and all just happen to have the most gun violence.
Sometimes the simple conclusion is the right conclusion. The less likely the victim to fight back, the more attractive the target.
Donald Trump wants to give these people the right to defend themselves, and his simple solution may just be the way to solve out country’s problem with gun violence.
It may sound counter-intuitive to end gun violence by increasing gun volume, but would you rather pull a gun on someone who is unarmed, or someone who is likely to shoot back?
Read Donald Trump’s statement on the next page:
I am sorry Pat Neavin..Have you been in a Coma or suffered from temporary Insanity..You must not have read or seen or heard the news lately..They are the only people that want to take the USA down along with ALL the other non-believers who wont buy their insanity!!! You must not have seen what they are doing to the European Countries that took them in..SAD FOR YOU!!!
You’re thinking of ISIS and their loyalists. Two completely separate groups.
ALL Muslims! You could call the groups Thing 1 and Thing 2 and it would still be two groups of murderous Muslims! Just because they let you survive before does not mean they will this time!! EVERY group of them is damaged! They have ALL been marrying their cousins for 1400 years and are bat$#%&!@*crazy!
That is what I have been saying all along. If was a thug that would be the first place I would go.
while saying he “would eliminate gun free zones” sounds great on the surface, whether or not a “No Guns” sign carries force of law, is a 10th Amendment issue, and up to the states.
This is the second time Trump has come straight out and said how he would abuse his power as President.
I’m wondering why you support that, rather than the 2 other candidates, that have a 100% positive track record, voting in favor of gun rights.
I was talking about Muslims which Isis and their loyalists are!!!
Briana Jernell
Our government has made themselves above the laws they force us to live under. and have created safe guards to protect themselves from any type of prosecution for breaking any of our laws. They are creating laws at will against all our constitutional protections. The 2nd Amendment was written for this time in history. Our forefathers saw today coming. If we are unwilling to use it, We will Lose It! The only way to preserve our freedoms without violence would be for millions of gun toting Americans to show up in DC and show that we are finally serious and demand change NOW!
Pat PSkitt Neavin Lets see you take your happy liberal$#%&!@*to Syria and tell them your a Christian, and ask them to please stop the Jihad war and try to reign in their radical stance a bit. Let us know how that works out.
Go to Syria right now and see just how well you get along with them !