Someone finally had the courage to call the vicious drug cartels to the south of our border what they really are.
In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, GOP frontrunner Donald Trump described the powerful gangs operating unimpeded in Mexico and along our border as an “enemy army” and said they should be treated as such. This is the strongest condemnation made of the criminal groups by any presidential candidate from both parties so far.
The topic came up when Trump was asked about a shocking new report published by Brandon Darby and Idelfonso Ortiz, both Breitbart Texas staff. According to their report, the cartels have killed hundreds, possibly even thousands in cities located along the Mexican-American border with impunity.
To conceal evidence of their barbarity, the cartels made use of a secret network of ovens to incinerate their victims’ bodies. Judging by the appallingly poor response of Mexican authorities to their behavior, the ovens are working wonders for the cartels.
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We should of done that under the Great liar Clintoin!!
He’s going to have some issues with that once they brief him on the fact the CIA and the big banks are both relying on all that cartel cash flow…
I’m glad he made this announcement, the drug cartels need to be treated like vermin and extreme enemy combatants at the same time. What Trump should do when becoming president is to use the military to hunt down all cartel associates within the US, have them shot, and issue an ultimatum to Mexico stating if they try pushing one more cartel agent into the country then Mexico will be no more. As much as I hate the idea of war, we need to consider rough means in order to regain the respect we once had.
Yes leadership for each problem we face. Trump leadership
Great cause that is what they are . Take them out
Trump is right they were coming across the border of Mexico because they knew they could prosper they are coming from all those Muslim tribes into Mexico and then across the border into United States and that was happening for a long time and President Bush knew about it never did one damn thing to try to stop it he condoned open water he was a menace to our country the matter what Jeb Bush wants to say he also would be a menace to our country that’s why he said we were on safe because we were on safe
Trump makes more promises than a $2 whore
how can anyone believe a word from this guy. He funded the gang of 8, now wants a wall, then says he wants the “good illegals” back as fast as possible, yells kicks screams about american companies moving to mexico but al the while his signature clothes line is MADE IN MEXICO! He is a fraud, period, spent majority of his life working against republicans and funding our enemies Reid, Pelosi, and Clinton and praising how wonderful they are. Please wake up America!
Just give us the word as president mr. Trump and we will protect our borders with force. I assure you the illegal crossings will stop