Someone finally had the courage to call the vicious drug cartels to the south of our border what they really are.
In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, GOP frontrunner Donald Trump described the powerful gangs operating unimpeded in Mexico and along our border as an “enemy army” and said they should be treated as such. This is the strongest condemnation made of the criminal groups by any presidential candidate from both parties so far.
The topic came up when Trump was asked about a shocking new report published by Brandon Darby and Idelfonso Ortiz, both Breitbart Texas staff. According to their report, the cartels have killed hundreds, possibly even thousands in cities located along the Mexican-American border with impunity.
To conceal evidence of their barbarity, the cartels made use of a secret network of ovens to incinerate their victims’ bodies. Judging by the appallingly poor response of Mexican authorities to their behavior, the ovens are working wonders for the cartels.
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cartel americans have better guns than you and shoot better than you smoke that in your pipe
****PLEASE READ**** ! ! My sons story, There are so many out there praying for us and wishing us well, this is how you know a sight is not actually associated with a celeb, if it were the celeb would have heard about it, My sons story would have been at least read by the celeb or someone working for them they would have been provided with so much proof it would make them sick crying over it and some one would have done something by now. I am still praying it will happen. INTERESTED in doing the right thing?? Championing a special needs child Being abused while it is ignored by everyone in the state of Illinois simply because he is different and they refuse to admit that not only does it happen but that it is a frequent and growing issue across this country ?? If nothing else can you look at the post on my wall at his story that I have been posting? thank you and that story is why I have been repeatedly posting as replies on your posts for over a month now. Thank you. PLEASE READ MY WALL AND SHARE !!
They are an enemy army !!!! And Buttok Obama armed them !!!
What a novel concept…..treat criminals like criminals, and maybe even leave dangerous felons and terrorists in jail rather than release them
Well, that’s what they are.. Did you ever hear a spineless politican on any side of the aisle speak truths & actions like Trump?? HELL NO! When Trump is President, It’ll be “HELL YES!”
As it should be!
They are the enemy also.
This are little mice compare to the real enemy we have his name is obama.
Scratching my head at all the absolute b******t that people believe from the Internet and Trump echoes. I supported Trump early on, but the more and more I see and hear from him, he lacks substance. “I will be great”… Sounds much like the line of$#%&!@*we were fed about Obamacare.
International law is why. Pursuit into Mexico by our military forces because a bit problematic and can cause is a major situation.
It is not nearly as easy as we might think. He better have the fence done before he decides to declare war on the cartels otherwise cities like El Paso Texas will become a war zone.