The Republican Party used to pride itself on its conservative, small government ideals. Along the way, we ended up losing our original support for liberty and compassion and replaced them with statism and antagonism.
Donald Trump is a prime example of just how far we have strayed from actual conservatism. Neoconservatives like him are ruining the only good chance this country has at being free again.
How is Donald Trump such a problem for the GOP? Well, for starters, he absolutely hates American patriot Edward Snowden. Actually, hate is an understatement. He literally wants to kill him. Don’t believe me?
Individuals that the country are having trouble with. Claim this man to be a trader.
The individuals that live in this country that run this country that live in this country. Claim him to be a country man a patriot a man exposing criminal activity among the elite……
The dysfunctional federal government has grown to a place of dysfunctional actions……..
It’s a shame that American citizen had to leave his country and be exiled for exposing corruption within the dysfunctional part of the government….
If he’s a traitor who did he trade on. For the American people believe that he has exposed corruption. The government calls him a trader for exposing corruption. Who is the corrupted and is doing the corruption. Should I not be held accountable. Or are they the ones that cannot be held accountable. For they are corruption corruption will not hold corruption accountable
I can’t see that he’s a hero. He gave out information he wasn’t even supposed to have as he more or less got into another computer.
“Truth and Action?” Give us a break.
Snowden ‘ s p$#%&!@*port was pulled while in Russia by the government
Snowden pulled back the curtain. Unfortunately, he exposed secrets to the enemy. Not a hero in my eyes.
You know, Trump has “some” good things to say. However, why isn’t he talking about repealing OdumboCare? Or abolishing the TSA that has failed to stop or apprehend one single “terrorist” yet cost the taxpayer millions if not billions by now? How about getting rid of the failed “Homeland Security”? Or even better yet better funding schools and dropping Common Core and get Islam out of our schools?
He better stay out of the pumpkin fields. Someone may mistake that orange junk on his face. Maybe make themselves a “Trump-o-lantern”
Wtf …
Snow den did us a favor by revealing what it was been done by the government, to us and other nations. Trump has to many holes and omissions in his rethoric.
Time for him to get a secret secret service.