Donald Trump: The System is Rigged, Hillary Escaping Charges Proves It

Hillary Clinton must have pulled in many favors this week, as it seemed certain that, after both she and Bill Clinton met with Justice department officials, it was revealed that she would not be facing criminal charges.

Hours after FBI agents interviewed her at the bureau’s Washington headquarters for three hours Saturday, sources inside the Department of Justice are spreading the word high and low that Hillary Clinton will not be indicted for her private email server and handling of classified materials outside of secure government channels.

According to multiple media outlets DOJ sources said the FBI investigation marks the end of the probe and there will be no indictment.

It was an investigation FBI Director James Comey told reporters May 11 that he was watching personally. “I remain close to that investigation, to ensure that it’s done well and has the resources that are needed.”

Donald J. Trump tweeted earlier Saturday: “It is impossible for the FBI not to recommend criminal charges against Hillary Clinton. What she did was wrong! What Bill did was stupid!”

The New York City developer followed with: “It was just announced-by sources-that no charges will be brought against Crooked Hillary Clinton. Like I said, the system is totally rigged!”


Hillary may have gotten away with her lies and deception in a court of law, but she’s still got to face the court of public opinion. In this way, Donald Trump may be right. Despite not being charged, the announcement still damages the character of the woman many thought would have an easy road to the White House.

Source: Brietbart



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