For many conservatives, Trump was looking like a viable presidential candidate. He had the experience of running a business. And unlike most other candidates (especially Bernie Sanders) he was economically literate.
Despite this, for the more libertarian-leaning voters, Donald Trump is looking like more of a nightmare than a godsend. From his reprehensible views on the Latino community to his antagonism towards patriot Edward Snowden, Trump doesn’t look like he’s gonna to cut down on our bloated government. It looks quite the opposite.
In this new interview, Trump really shows his neocon colors.
Do you honestly think when they take our people they are playing patty cake with them??? Get real all fair in love and war and Islamic have declared war on us!! Do what it take to keep every one safe period.
Still voting I’m for torture slowly very slowly …thousand cuts death
I have not heard him say that he wanted to bring torture!!!!!!
Think again water board the garbage and put it on tv
is ISIS humane when it cuts of heads of men & children?
Liberal and Political Politicans LIES AS THEY CANNOT CONTROL TRUMP
it never left, just kept a secret,
If by skinning one of those goat humpers we can save the life of ONE American soldier then go get them
This page posts a bunch of garbage that’s not true. Post to post the truth that’s what people need to hear not this bs
He is right saying that waterboarding doesn’t look near as bad as chopping off heads . The old saying “All is fair in love and war.”still holds.If that’s what it takes to thwart the next terror attack in this country then let it roll.