For many conservatives, Trump was looking like a viable presidential candidate. He had the experience of running a business. And unlike most other candidates (especially Bernie Sanders) he was economically literate.
Despite this, for the more libertarian-leaning voters, Donald Trump is looking like more of a nightmare than a godsend. From his reprehensible views on the Latino community to his antagonism towards patriot Edward Snowden, Trump doesn’t look like he’s gonna to cut down on our bloated government. It looks quite the opposite.
In this new interview, Trump really shows his neocon colors.
sweet start with the obamas and clintons
Waterboarding is wahatever you have to do to terrorist to give up the information. They dont torture us they cut heads off, which is better?
Yes do your own research.
Good, I’ve been tortured for last 8 1/2 years
Keep going we are listening
The $#%&!@*hats at Vox and their libreral bretheren $#%&!@*hats don’t know what torture is. They think throwing a little water in the enemy’s face is torture, try setting someone on fire while they are still conscious, thats torture. Putting your children through a wood chipper alive while you are forced to watch, that is torture. I could list the rest but you get the drift. The liberals are more concerned about empathizing and not hurting their feelings. Besides listening to the liberal drivel from Vox is torture.
I am for doing something to Mitch the rat who voted for more murders
Bring it on hambone if it will save 1 American first water board Obama
This is barbaric. Thought we were a civilized country. Its already proven that information attained through torture is very likely to be inaccurate. Just goes to show how intellectually-barren Trump supporters are.
All you guys seem to know is violence. You’re no better than the terrorists you condemn if you think this is okay.