For many conservatives, Trump was looking like a viable presidential candidate. He had the experience of running a business. And unlike most other candidates (especially Bernie Sanders) he was economically literate.
Despite this, for the more libertarian-leaning voters, Donald Trump is looking like more of a nightmare than a godsend. From his reprehensible views on the Latino community to his antagonism towards patriot Edward Snowden, Trump doesn’t look like he’s gonna to cut down on our bloated government. It looks quite the opposite.
In this new interview, Trump really shows his neocon colors.
Youre cute but dont tell me ure all beauty n no brains
Besides, if thats all u broght to the dinner table then GTFO
Waterboard Obama and the rest of them.
^^^Lmao wowww
i hope they torture every person that worked for and with Obama
Tells it like it is,(THE TRUTHAMERICA) Got my VOTE!
Can I help? Thug beating time!
Trump is a big and very powerful man with brain, cl$#%&!@*, and guts. He’ll get the job done and restore America and our cons$#%&!@*ution!
Despite their $#%&!@*le of “Truth And Action,” truth is missing in this biased snow job propaganda hit piece. The practice of “waterboarding” is even part of the basic training of our own Navy Seals and other elite military units, so no sympathy for the head chopping monsters! This procedure was successfully used to extract valuable information from these sub human s$#%&!@*, and it helped to track down Bin Laden, and helped to save lives.
He said he would be very strong but he didn’t say he was going to do it he just said it’s a lot better than having your head chopped off