For many conservatives, Trump was looking like a viable presidential candidate. He had the experience of running a business. And unlike most other candidates (especially Bernie Sanders) he was economically literate.
Despite this, for the more libertarian-leaning voters, Donald Trump is looking like more of a nightmare than a godsend. From his reprehensible views on the Latino community to his antagonism towards patriot Edward Snowden, Trump doesn’t look like he’s gonna to cut down on our bloated government. It looks quite the opposite.
In this new interview, Trump really shows his neocon colors.
ALL DEMORATS get their lying tonges cut out
You really think it does not happen now. Get your heads out of the send.
Whatever it takes
If it means my freedom, Hell yes, bring it back!
Trump has my vote hands down
Leave the interrogation to the military, especially to someone before Obama’s time!!
That will stop crime quicker than anything, people control , Trump has my vote
I have no problem with this at all…..let me get this straight here….he wants to torture terrorists for information????…
This is where a humanitarian will be in an uproar,.right???
So, if we don’t get the correct information, whatever terrorism plans that have been worked out, will still kill innocent lives….
We are at WAR!!!!!!…
The s$#%&!@* we are fighting have no.honor at all….they dress like normal people….hide behind children, rape, murder, etc….
If you want to stand up for terrorism, then I guess you won’t like this…
But if you want to stand up TO terrorism, this makes perfect sense….
They don’t fight fair….why should we???
Im ok with that.. line them up someone grab the water and ill bring the board. 😉
Trump can’t be bought..