For many conservatives, Trump was looking like a viable presidential candidate. He had the experience of running a business. And unlike most other candidates (especially Bernie Sanders) he was economically literate.
Despite this, for the more libertarian-leaning voters, Donald Trump is looking like more of a nightmare than a godsend. From his reprehensible views on the Latino community to his antagonism towards patriot Edward Snowden, Trump doesn’t look like he’s gonna to cut down on our bloated government. It looks quite the opposite.
In this new interview, Trump really shows his neocon colors.
Our enemies need to fear us…..planned parenthood tortures babies & the unborn everyday. Where is the logic in treating our enemies like they have more rights than we do?
Just like obama got it right ( your vote) regardless of all that was told to you lemmings…..minions, they just want a king!
Ive seen enough of jimmy carter
scaring the hell out of Obama and his secret army of muslims
WE the American Citizens are being tortured NOW by the government of liars, cheats, traders, and thieves! What’s worse torturing us or our enemies?
Bring it on Donald! TRUMP 2016
and to those who think it’s unjust and not the right way to do things, they need to be continually shown the pictures of people being burned alive, drowned alive and being killed in ditches.
You mean that they will have to go on the “Its A Small World” ride more tan once?
waterboarding is interrogation, not torture. our own troops go through it. quit falling for the left wing arguements, theyre trying to protect their own!
Torture them to death!