Donald Trump has claimed that after he had offered Obama $5 million to show his birth certificate, he upped the offering to $50 million, to be dispensed to charities of Obama’s choosing .
The Trump campaign said it only asked that the Democratic president to show his birth certificate.
Trump states that Obama never responded to the offer.
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Even Cruz knows the requirements of a Natural Born Citizen. Cruz from 2012
Fox News hate spin! I don’t like Obama no more than the other white presidents I served under since 1974. They were all weak and talk a lot of$#%&!@* Ronald Reagan picked fight’s with Grenada and Panama! Never with Iran or North Korea much less Russia! October 23 1983 Shia Muslims from Iran bombed the Marine Baracks in Bierut Lebanon! 183 Mraine’s killed! Did Ronald Reagan go into Iran to fight the Ayatollah Khomeini? NO! When I was in Iraq 1990 did George Bush Sr. finish off Saddam Hussein in Baghdad? NO! Bill Clinton just as weak. G,W. Bush just as stupid to let 9/11 happen! Even Donald Trump said that! He never kept us safe! We went into Irag War of Lies and not Saudi Arabia to settle a grudge! No WMD’s or Al Qaeda links! All lies! The 15 terrorist of 19 were from Saudi Arabia not Iraq! Now we got ISIS! What torch am I holding?
We will find out next year no doubt because Im sure there is somebody out that wants to make a few Million off the info once Obama dont have the control of the DOJ any more.
He has stolen far more than that from us
Tells you something, huh????????
Obama rejected because he’s not an American..
I guess obama did not need the money.
He doesn’t need the money… THE corruption in Washington makes him enough….
Which means, Titus Paul Thompson is also a traitor!!
He rejected the money because he knows that because he was born in Kenya he should have never become POTUS.