Donald Trump has claimed that after he had offered Obama $5 million to show his birth certificate, he upped the offering to $50 million, to be dispensed to charities of Obama’s choosing .
The Trump campaign said it only asked that the Democratic president to show his birth certificate.
Trump states that Obama never responded to the offer.
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Yet no one on the left finds this suspicious at all! How’s that cool aid tasting.
The truth is irrelevant to liberals! They reject all truths and thrive on lies, lawlessness, drama and chaos! They don’t recognize the truth because the truth is not in them. Everything they are about these days, is based on lies. They make me sick! They are reprobates.
I wonder if Kenya will release it if he offers them the money!
I believe Trump really did make the offer and he got the answer he expected!! Thanks to out Liberal Press for NOT making Obama show it!!
Oh we remember
Wasn’t Donald Trumps father in the KKK 1927 Birth of a Nation? So much for birther issues! What it is to be a real white AmeriKKKan! Make AmeriKKKa great again! I know what he means!
And we let the$#%&!@*stay