Donald Trump has claimed that after he had offered Obama $5 million to show his birth certificate, he upped the offering to $50 million, to be dispensed to charities of Obama’s choosing .
The Trump campaign said it only asked that the Democratic president to show his birth certificate.
Trump states that Obama never responded to the offer.
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What does that say?
Wat u speak is truth ive seen it and heard it
The US Cons$#%&!@*ution never defined Natural-born Citizen. The courts have pretty much left it up to congress, but no congressional body has ever set the terms definition, either by choice or coincendence. That being said, many scholars believe it meant born in the US, Born to US citizens abroad, or some other forms of legal legitimacy. Obama was born of US citizens, regardless of place. Though I support the Don and will vote for him. I wish the birthers would just drop this
Will the real Obama please stand up..
Might take a little more since the scumbag gave himself a lifetime raise!
He is a muslim plant….he is not and never has been a American…one day the truth will be told..
well when you are from kenya you would not let out the info in fact waiting till he gets out in sells his rights away to slam this country as well as the people that help him and watch them go down well he enjoy it
Should have offered him a goat.
The truth has been told by his older brother, grandmother and family aswell as Hawaii confirmed several months ago NO birth certificate. The proof is out about students never saw him in class at college. People live in denial of facts, logic and truth!
I know that Obama isn’t American in any way, shape or form! When he tells us what is American and unAmerican, it’s the total opposite of what most of us Americans really feel! He does NOT represent America and our true values at all! He attacks our values and calls what we have always been about, unAmerican! I despise him!