If it were possible to fit “and Chuck Todd wants Hillary’s lie to be true,” to any article’s title covering this, that would be the most fitting.
Hillary Clinton laid down a monstrous lie at the 3rd unwatched Democrat coronation/debate. (Maybe we can get Steve Harvey to crown the runner-up.)
Feeling the need to say something during the fake debate, she declared:
“He is becoming ISIS’s best recruiter. They are going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists.”
When Donald Trump was given a chance to respond on Meet the Press, one could see that Chuck Todd grudgingly admitted it was a lie but you could see he wanted it to true. He was clenching his Che Guevara bed sheets up under chin and wanting it to be filled with Dan Rather truthiness. It was pretty cute actually.
The Donald dispatched with Chuck Todd, champion of millennial squishes, in the normal fashion which makes all republicans watching the Donald say “Why can’t our guys handle the media hacks like that?”
Because most “republican guys” in the establishment are weaker than Chuck Todd.
See the next page for The Donald’s smack-down of Hillary’s latest lie this hour
Those Lies Will “swallow” Her Some Day!
Secret Service Comments
We had a neighbor when I lived in DC who was part of the secret service presidential detail for many years. His stories of Kennedy and Johnson were the same as those I heard from the guys who flew the presidents’ plane —
[yes, Kennedy did have Marilyn Monroe flown in for secret “dates,” and LBJ was a typical Texas “good ol boy” womanizer. Clinton cheated, but couldn’t match Kennedy or LBJ in style or variety.]
The information below is accurate. Former Pres. Bush Sr. and the current president Bush make it a point to thank and take care of the aircrews who fly them around [When the president flies, there are several planes that also go — one carries the armored limo, another the security detail, plus usually a press aircraft] and both Bush’s made it a point to stay home on holidays, so these Air Force and security people could have a day with their families.
Hillary Clinton was arrogant and vocally abusive to her security detail. She forbade her daughter, Chelsea, from exchanging pleasantries with them. Sometimes Chelsea, miffed at her mother’s obvious conceit and mean spiritedness ignored her demands and exchanged pleasantries regardless, but never in her mother’s presence.
Hillary Clinton was continuously rude and abrasive to those who were charged to protect her life. Her security detail dutifully did their job, as professionals should, but they all “loathed” her and wanted to be on a different detail. She was hard to work for because she was so nasty and mean toward her detail. Hillary Clinton was uniformly despised by the Secret Service as a whole.
Bill Clinton was much more amiable than his wife Hillary. Often the Secret Service would cringe at the verbal attack antics that Hillary would use against her husband, the then President. They were embarrassed for his sake by the manner and frequency in which she verbally insulted him, sometimes in the presence of the Secret Service, and sometimes behind closed doors. Even behind closed doors Hillary Clinton would scream and yell so loudly that everyone could hear what she was saying.
Many felt sorry for President Clinton and most people wondered why he tolerated it instead of just divorcing his “attack dog” wife. It was crystal clear that the Clintons neither liked nor respected each other and it was through long before the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Theirs was genuinely a “marriage of convenience.”
Chelsea was much closer to her father than her mother, even after the Lewinsky scandal which hurt her gravely. Bill Clinton did in fact have “charisma,” and occasionally would smile at or shake hands with his security detail. Still, he always displayed an obvious air of superiority towards them. His security detail uniformly believed him to be disingenuous, false, and that he did nothing without a motive that in some way would enhance his image and political career. They did respect him, unlike his wife, but they did not particularly like him and nobody trusted him. He was polite, but not kind.
Al Gore was the male version of Hillary Clinton. They were more friendly toward each other than either of them were towards former President Clinton. They were not intimate, so please don’t read that in . They were very close in a political way. Tipper Gore was generally nice and pleasant. She initially liked Hillary but soon after the election she had her “pegged” and no longer liked her or associated with her except for events that were politically obligatory.
Al Gore was far more left wing and very hateful, not just politically opposed, to Republicans than Clinton. Al Gore resented Bill Clinton and thought he was too “centrist.” He despised all Republicans. His hatred was bitter and this was long before he announced for the Presidency. This bitter hatred was something that he and Hillary had very much in common. They often said as much, even in the presence of their security detail. Neither of them trusted Bill Clinton and, the Secret Service opined, neither of them even liked Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton did have some good qualities where Al Gore and Hillary had none in the view of their security details.
Al Gore, like Hillary, was very rude and arrogant toward his security detail. He was extremely unappreciative and would not hesitate to scold them in the presence of their peers for minor details over which they had no control. Al Gore also looked down on them in disgust as they finally observed and learned with certainty on one occasion when Al Gore got angry at his offspring and loudly, in their presence, pointed at his security detail and said, “Do you want to grow up and be like them?!?”
Word of this insulting and demeaning verbiage by the former Vice-president quickly spread and he became as despised and disliked by the Secret Service as Hillary. Most of them prayed that Al Gore would not be elected President and they really did have private small celebrations in a few of their homes after President Bush won. This was not necessarily to celebrate President Bush’s election, but to celebrate Al Gore’s defeat.
An eye witness says:
I worked with the secret service as an OTA in the 90s and these comments on bill and Hitlery are spot on. Many of the secret service agents were military veterans, and they wanted to hate Bill. In the end, they all liked him. However, it was so bad on Hillary’s detail, that agents actually retired rather than stay on her detail, if they weren’t able to be reassigned.
Educate yourself, read about this and other of their crimes.
New book: “Unlikeable: The problem with Hillary”, &
“The Clintons’ War on Women”. ClintonsWar.com
Stupid people usually do!
That is what liars do.
Sarcasm right!
She would not know the truth if it slapped her upside her head
She puts out liberal BS, tells all her supporters it is Ice Cream and they eating like it is going like “Blue Bell” !
If you vote for hellary you are some kind of STUPID, just saying
her supporter just don’t care that she lying