If it were possible to fit “and Chuck Todd wants Hillary’s lie to be true,” to any article’s title covering this, that would be the most fitting.
Hillary Clinton laid down a monstrous lie at the 3rd unwatched Democrat coronation/debate. (Maybe we can get Steve Harvey to crown the runner-up.)
Feeling the need to say something during the fake debate, she declared:
“He is becoming ISIS’s best recruiter. They are going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists.”
When Donald Trump was given a chance to respond on Meet the Press, one could see that Chuck Todd grudgingly admitted it was a lie but you could see he wanted it to true. He was clenching his Che Guevara bed sheets up under chin and wanting it to be filled with Dan Rather truthiness. It was pretty cute actually.
The Donald dispatched with Chuck Todd, champion of millennial squishes, in the normal fashion which makes all republicans watching the Donald say “Why can’t our guys handle the media hacks like that?”
Because most “republican guys” in the establishment are weaker than Chuck Todd.
See the next page for The Donald’s smack-down of Hillary’s latest lie this hour
Just another gang member. Clinton or Bush. Both have a lot of blood on their families names.
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I remember her in the 50 s she lied then and she lies now
they are democrats that also believe in supporting muslims
Why does she always have a smirk on her face? Because she knows she’s playing A LOT of people for fools
She was a Wife of a President who Sold out to the Bildenberg Group for 30 Million $ and the Sec. of State Job . ?? Now our Media push’s her down our Throats as the Dem. front runner . Yet all of these FB Post have Negative Comments on them regarding her . ?? I know of no one !!! Who wants this Media Clown as our next POTUS . She is a Front !!! Bernie ! Bernie !! Bernie !!!!
A new religion has begun , Clintology . Everything she said they believe
Hillary Clinton the best U.S.I.S. recruiting tool
Hillary is a expert of lieing do not vote for her or you will see another 4 years of Obama c**p