After a tense couple of weeks, Donald Trump finally secured Speaker of the House Paul Ryan’s coveted endorsement just a few days ago. Sure, he and Trump may not appeal to the same group of voters, but Ryan’s blessing is nonetheless important in Trump’s effort to mend fences with the party establishment.
Already, however, that relationship seems to be back on the rocks. After Donald Trump’s heavily publicized comments on the ethnicity of the judge of the Trump University case, Ryan hit back with perhaps his most biting criticism of Trump to date.
Ryan minced no words, calling Trump’s words blatantly racist, and unbefitting of a man running to be President of the United States. Trump, of course, is not one to back down, and once again he’s not giving in. Instead, he’s doubling down and explaining why he may be right to call the judge unfairly biased.
See Ryan’s remarks and Trump’s response on the next page:
They need to take a look at the judges affiliations and what they have been doing to Trump over the last year or so… Trump has a problem getting things in the correct context the first time he opens his mouth. The judge has some interesting affiliations that make what Trump is saying more logical…
I do believe that Ryan is really a democrat and like them, if you don’t agree with them, you are called a racist…Donald Trump 2016…
Ryan, go away and die.
Ryan is as stupid as Cruz !!!!!
Ryan is a moron. Trump is no racist. Ask people who know him personally.
Please share to enlighten the people who cling to words or phrases mentioned by Mr. Trump, which are then taken out of context by corrupt Big Media, ignoring the big picture of what Trump actually means. Let it be known that:
“Judge Gonzalo Curiel is associated with La Raza Lawyer association, the Hispanic National Bar Association, the Latino Judges Association, and the National Hispanic Prosecutors Association.
The Hispanic National Bar Association policy release:
“The HNBA calls for a boycott of all of Trump business ventures, including golf courses, hotels, and restaurants. We salute NBC/Universal, Univision, and Macy’s for ending their association with Trump, and we join them in standing up against bigotry and racist rhetoric. Other businesses and corporations should follow the lead of NBC/Universal, and Macy’s and take similar actions against Donald Trump’s business interests. We can and will make a difference.”
It was signed by Cynthia D. Mares, HNBA National President
The attorney group leading the lawsuit against Trump are heavily involved in Democrat politics and have paid Bill and Hillary Clinton $675,000 for “speeches”.
The Judge in the lawsuit is an open borders immigration activist with direct ties to San Diego La Raza, and has openly engaged with them on their political endeavors. and including scholarships for illegal aliens.
The Trump lawsuit relies (in part) on testimony from a former disgruntled employee of the Trump Organization who went to work for notorious #NeverTrump activist Glenn Beck.
The Judge then “accidentally” releases court records which provides the media with the names, locations, and contact information of the plaintiffs and witnesses in the case, which fuels the media narrative.
After the “mistaken” release, Judge Curiel reseals the court records.
The Judge is a member of an ethnic legal group, HNBA, whose specific and publicly expressed intentions are to target Donald Trump’s business interests.”
that Paul Ryan ain’t no different to lying Hillary he just wants his seat at the trough of the new world orders gravy train table
Ryan, it is Trump or Killary. Trying to turn voters against trump, gives her the country in a basket. You are a republican or you are not.
Paul Ryan is against the First Amendment due to his trying to silence Trump on his belief that he’s not being treated fairly. What would he do if he had a black judge who is supported by black lives matter and he has to go before him because he was beat up by three thugs.