After a tense couple of weeks, Donald Trump finally secured Speaker of the House Paul Ryan’s coveted endorsement just a few days ago. Sure, he and Trump may not appeal to the same group of voters, but Ryan’s blessing is nonetheless important in Trump’s effort to mend fences with the party establishment.
Already, however, that relationship seems to be back on the rocks. After Donald Trump’s heavily publicized comments on the ethnicity of the judge of the Trump University case, Ryan hit back with perhaps his most biting criticism of Trump to date.
Ryan minced no words, calling Trump’s words blatantly racist, and unbefitting of a man running to be President of the United States. Trump, of course, is not one to back down, and once again he’s not giving in. Instead, he’s doubling down and explaining why he may be right to call the judge unfairly biased.
See Ryan’s remarks and Trump’s response on the next page:
Paul r might as go ahead say that he isn’t,t for Trump.
Ryan needs to go
F**k you, Eddie Munster……
Paul Ryan is such a little man.
Ryan if you would do your job like you promised you would instead of bowing down to Obama and his office trump wouldn’t have to run. And as far as the judge the judge is racist so do your job
Paul your weak, Trump doesn’t sugar coat it no politically correct for Trump if your feelings are get over it Paul!!!
Congress has fallen on deaf ears all they hear is people and corporations and foreign countries with lots of money they don’t care about Americans anymore they have sold out for greed every single one of them. This is why America has to clean house on every politician in office Washington is completely corrupt. Vote them out there is your term limits
once again here is another dirty politician we need to exit from office.
Ryan is a Saudi
America we need to drug test and audit every politician .And government personnel on pay roll.When found guilty.We take all assets.And exicute.via public stoneing At arenas around the USA.We sale tickets to the event.Take that $ and support are elderly.