Ever since Donald Trump announced his candidacy, the mainstream media declared that he could never win. He could never be nominated, and he could never, ever be voted president.
Well, if a new poll is to be believed, they are very, very wrong.
The Fox News poll, conducted by Anderson Robbins Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R), not only shows Donald Trump beating Hillary by 3 points, but represents a jump from an 11 point deficit recorded just one month ago.
While many expected — and cheered the prospect of — Donald Trump’s candidacy self-destructing before the primaries, the opposite is occurring. Not only are his numbers steadily on the rise amongst Republicans, but among the general electorate as well.
It seems the only people not warming to the idea of Donald Trump becoming our next president are the pundits in the media.
To see the numbers, continue reading on the next page:
If he is a true patriot then he will abolish what has been set before our nation and restore the voice of the people and swiftly act upon all known issues. We the people are the voice of this nation and the elected are the followers of that voice. There is nothing else to say. Do the job or leave your post.
You haven’t a clue lady
She’s pathological and a sociopath
Lolol, one lying blow hard beats out another in politics, and this means???
Lol Cruz could not smoke a cigarette if someone else lite it for him!
TRUMP 2016!
go trump trump that evil killerrrrrrrr and liar go trump for america 2016
They both are get your facts straight , you must be an Obama voter no brains. Learn the laws and the constitution before you make yourself look stupid.