How can a man with so many people, or organizations attacking him keep on treading through the misconceptions of a slandered presidential campaign? Perhaps, Donald Trump is aware that 187 of these organizations attacking him are directly funded by one man, George Soros.
If Trump wishes to continue his presidential campaign under such circumstances, he will have to hold his ground firmly against Soros‘ slanderous destruction of his name, and against Soros‘ engineered intimidation tactics carried out through his organizations like the one that halted his rally in Chicago by bursting into violence.
Discover the Networks has published the list of organizations directly funded, and assisted by George Soros and his Open Society Institute.
Check it out on page two.
Oh yeah I agree with you Jane kindly send me a friend request to have you as a friend
Oh yeah add me so that we can be friends
Mary add me so that we can be Fri
Somebody needs to put that rabid dog down once and for all!!!
Oh yeah add me so that we can be friends
America is against the corruption. People are standing up and we as citizens will not pad the pockets of the rich and famous anymore or are governments.
He is evil!!
Take this creep out
Virginia add me so that we can befriends