This presidential election has had no shortage of distractions and low blows by the media and supporters on both sides of the aisle. Of course, most of those blows have been aimed at Donald Trump. And just when you think the liberal media can’t sink any lower, they surprise you.
A string of nude photographs, featuring Melania Trump continue to be published in the New York Post, a news outlet that might as well be considered a tabloid. The first photograph released featured Melania Trump, naked, with a caption that read “The Ogle Office”. The second nude photo released featured Melania Trump posting naked with another model named Emma Eriksson.
What this shows is a new low and just how desperate the left has become, and like they say, “desperation is a stinky cologne.” The pictures were taken when Melania was 25-years-old, that was three years before she met Trump.
Find out what Trump had to say on the next page.
TRUMP 2016
when a man loves a woman he don’t care about the past only and always looking ahead.
She is a beautiful woman, and she was a model. She earned an honest dollar. I don’t think of models as whores. ..but politicians. .that’s another story. Hillary sold a lot more than skin for her money. She’s selling out America and those who stand to defend her. Trump may not be everything we need, but he’s a start. We have to get away from the traitors that are destroying America.
Stay calm.
Nudes vs vile corruption, murders, muslim terrorists and destruction galore! LMAO
This is what I think about this is we have men dressing up like women and going in the women restroom and they are worried about melania beautiful pictures so what they are nude she didn’t hurt nobody
We Want Melania In The WH For Sure …Trump & Pence…USA !!!
Trump is a man with a vision for America, not a specific vision, a great vision…the best vision…Trump has a plan to make this country great again….What plan??….a great plan…a plan that will work because it’s the best plan…..Why???… because Trump knows good people…which people???….the best people….people that are not stupid like other people….people who know how to get deals done…what deals???…great deals…the biggest deals… because I know words… What words???…I have the best words… I get my information from watching TV… I consult with myself because I have a great brain… A great brain???…the best brain…Trump will also build a big wall to keep Mexicans out and he will make Mexico pay for it!…How….??? its all part of the great plan!…ISIS will be gone very, very quickly…How???… I won’t tell you.. It’s a secret !!!… (This guy is a “one-man circle jerk” and he is only about entertaining the uneducated who love him and his great plan. He’s all air – no substance. And he is their “Champion”.)
Please feel free to paste and copy!
These are not new pictures they have been out there for years put some dates on them .