Surprise! Donald Trump Leads ALL GOP Candidates – with Hispanics!
Like clockwork, the media gets it wrong again. The man the Hispanic community across America is supposed to hate somehow happens to be their favorite candidate. The latest PPP poll announces Donald Trump leads ALL other Republican presidential candidates with Hispanic voters. Trump scored a major 34% favorability rating with Hispanics followed by pro-amnesty candidate Jeb Bush.
And this comes after his infamous hit on illegal immigrants from Mexico and his promise to build a border wall…all of which was taken out of context by the media. However, the community figured it out.
Take a look at the numbers on the NEXT PAGE:
Where do you think they are coming in?
But still twelve and six points behind Clinton and Sanders, respectively.
The Liberal Media BELIVES that they Can manipulate the Hispanics like the black population. I’m not sure they will pull the wool over the Hispanics. But I’m sure the liberal media will try.They have successfully helped in dumbing down democrats.
Cause then they wouldn’t be politicians now would they?
Go Go Go Trump!!!
This is so awesome!
Yes, Jeremy Smith, I’ve seen news where legal Mexican immigrants were complaining about the illegals. There’s nothing wrong with our legal immigration system except that Obama is in office.
Trump 2016