Surprise! Donald Trump Leads ALL GOP Candidates – with Hispanics!
Like clockwork, the media gets it wrong again. The man the Hispanic community across America is supposed to hate somehow happens to be their favorite candidate. The latest PPP poll announces Donald Trump leads ALL other Republican presidential candidates with Hispanic voters. Trump scored a major 34% favorability rating with Hispanics followed by pro-amnesty candidate Jeb Bush.
And this comes after his infamous hit on illegal immigrants from Mexico and his promise to build a border wall…all of which was taken out of context by the media. However, the community figured it out.
Take a look at the numbers on the NEXT PAGE:
IIts because he speaks his mind. That’s what Christie used to do. They liked him until they realized he was left leaning republican.
if you look into a REAL poll over 30% of republican voters are saying NO way. the ones putting him in “the lead” are probably employees who got notices saying “you’re fired” if you don’t vote for me. and of course the baggers
Bit like the British election ukip said it all got all the attention and some how David Cameron got a majority win.conspiracy there lol but I think trump wont get in but if he did wow
nope because he is telling the people the truth..and the people want to hear the truth?
Anyone is better than a Muslim liar!
We want the total truth and no more lies and need a real man in the WH who can walk the walk
his comment was about illegal aliens and the fact they are more liable to commit a violent crime, not legal aliens. even the illegal aliens are afraid of the criminal element mexico is throwing across the border. as Donald says, mexico is smart, “you go to our nasty jail and maybe never retirn or you go to America” saves them a lot of money.
Donald Trump is like Teddy Roosevelt bursting on to the seen and certain to win.
vote trump.
not this voter