The Obama administration is finally cracking down on somebody. The thing is, the people they’re cracking down on are law enforcement.
After over a year of unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, the Department of Justice has filed suit against the city government, claiming that authorities systematically discriminate and otherwise oppress the majority-black population of Ferguson. The case comes in the wake of widespread riots over the shooting of Michael Brown by Ferguson PD officer Darren Wilson.
Tensions were high between city officials and DOJ personnel due to major demands by the federal government over how Ferguson law enforcement should conduct themselves. Agreeing for the most part with the feds’ proposed reforms, the city council requested a few minor changes in the plan they agreed upon. Apparently incensed by this request, the DOJ reneged on the deal and proceeded to take legal action against the city.
This is the probably the biggest action by Obama’s Justice Department during his entire time in office. But instead of going after homegrown ISIS sympathizers and vicious cartel members, they would rather drag a city and it’s police officers into the mud for all the country to see.
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Ferguson Policemen I’m for you.
All these bleeding heart liberals that back the BLM movement had better watch their backs because if push comes to shove the blacks will be the first to kill their sorry$#%&!@*s and as far as this administration and DOJ what a bunch of no good racist bastards. Can anyone tell me just how many of these punk$#%&!@*thugs that burned, rioted stole and ruined peoples lives in Ferguson, Baltimore and other places have been arrested for their actions in comparison to the white guys that had the stand off out west? Not nearly enough and those sure the hell were not peacfull demonstrations. When buildings, cars and business’s get destroyed and, stolen from that is not peacfull. This administration is so damn biased that it is not funny at all but then again Oasswipe is doing just what he wants to do and that is p**s off the blacks and whited against each other so he can declare his martial law and stay in office. The no good bastard traitor needs to be removed from office before it is to damn late PERIOD
Hi there kindly send me a friend request to have you as a friend
Look who is leading them…..
Ever think about changing the peoples behavior? The ones who luve in Ferguson?
The DOJ needs to find all those rioters and make them pay for all the damages!
DOJ= Department Of Jokers
Obama is ALWAYS on the wrong side. ALWAYS.
Where will the money come from? The city is broke.