The Obama administration is finally cracking down on somebody. The thing is, the people they’re cracking down on are law enforcement.
After over a year of unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, the Department of Justice has filed suit against the city government, claiming that authorities systematically discriminate and otherwise oppress the majority-black population of Ferguson. The case comes in the wake of widespread riots over the shooting of Michael Brown by Ferguson PD officer Darren Wilson.
Tensions were high between city officials and DOJ personnel due to major demands by the federal government over how Ferguson law enforcement should conduct themselves. Agreeing for the most part with the feds’ proposed reforms, the city council requested a few minor changes in the plan they agreed upon. Apparently incensed by this request, the DOJ reneged on the deal and proceeded to take legal action against the city.
This is the probably the biggest action by Obama’s Justice Department during his entire time in office. But instead of going after homegrown ISIS sympathizers and vicious cartel members, they would rather drag a city and it’s police officers into the mud for all the country to see.
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Why don’t they start shooting these people? After all they had no problem shooting Levoy Finicun.
what chance does any police officer have today of protecting himself from being killed or sued or fired. when he takes this job now, he has no idea how long he will have it to support his family or buy a house or have a future. it has been taken away from ALL police officers because of al sharpton, the black lives matter groups and the civil liberty groups as well and more. maybe it is time to hand over all police issues to black only. lets help the whites get trained for other jobs and make all policemen in the united states black. also judges, prosecutors, congressmen and women. yes lets have an all black america. i am white and i will leave and take my family somewhere else if it will make you happy. how long do you think if this happened, this nation would even stand. what a joke. our congress should have a front seat in hell for allowing this to happen. they represent us, the people, and they knew this is not what anyone would want. they have the money, so the think to dodge this dangerous ball but let me assure you idiots up there that when america falls, you are going down too. your money wont be able to help you then.
Hey DOJ you are on the wrong side!
The national gaurd was there but apparently told to stand down by Democratic Gov. Jay Nixon.
All this starts with Sharpton and dumb asses like them
Violations proven to be false
Best idea here.
expected it all the time, it took longer than I thought it world. another cop hating story. let the scum go.