Barack Obama and many of his key leaders have shown themselves to be inveterate law breakers, uninterested in the laws that make for a civilized society and the consequences breaking such laws have on ordinary citizens.
Obama’s decision to violate and ignore immigration law has allowed millions of illegal aliens to enter the country or to stay here, taking jobs from citizens and consuming unbelievable quantities of tax dollars, and with some committing heinous crimes, including rape and murder.
Obama seems not to care since it meets his political agenda of flooding the country with future Democrat voters. He and his Justice Department ignored riots perpetrated by Black Lives Matter activists, leading to tremendous property loss and injury to citizens. His attorney general Eric Holder conducted the Fast and Furious gun running venture, selling guns to criminals and drug cartels, with the result of many lives lost and the strengthening of the drug lords.
It is odd that the president would be more concerned with criminals than with the well being of law-abiding citizens, but perhaps it is merely a case of birds of a feather flocking together.
The Justice Department is once again showing where their loyalties lie by working to help criminals with a new program and endangering ordinary citizens.
Read more on this dangerous scheme, page 2:
I say that we outlaw the word “FART” because of what it indicates. Let’s also get rid of any dictionary and re-write all words LITTLE$#%&!@*
Because they are both criminals and felons?
Got to give ol’ Barry credit . He’s thinking ahead for once because he doesn’t want to be known by those two Monikers when he is released from the Prison Trump will put him in ….Ex-Detainee Barack Obama …. Have to admit , it does have nice ring to it ……
These idiots are insane
Sir you are what’s wrong with America no one was pointing a finger at you but you sure as he’ll want to put your 2 cents in and as for hypocrite maybe you need to take a long look in the mirror
PC is DEAD. It’s been replaced with Truth and Common Sense.
Stupid. Can’t change a leopards spots. They are what they are.
What about the people who made one mistake in life, such as a theft or a fight which amounted to a felony, and they pay their debt to society…time, restitution, etc……and never before that or after that got or get into trouble…but have that “felony” and “convict” label attached to them for life, or until they can get it expunged….and now imagine all of that happened over 20 years ago, and the person has been deeply involved in church, family, community, and school, but can’t find any job at all because of 1 singular mistake they made in their life…….and some of you claim that they are getting what they deserved and that’s outrageous and appalling. Its tantamount to double and triple jeopardy, which is completely illegal, not to mention morally and spiritually wrong……and there are millions of people who are stuck in that exact situation in life as I type type this.
Five months. …hope we make it