The Department of Justice has announced its formation of a new “Domestic Terrorism Council”, to solely focus on groups within the US the Obama administrations views as viable threats to extremist violence. The Missouri Information Analysis Center report (MIAC) was complied with information from the far leftist Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).
Reading the details of the report, it’s evident that the criteria of who in America are considered “domestic terrorist threats” come straight from lists the SPLC compiles. Groups you would 20 years ago find as patriotic God fearing family orientated Americans, are now considered threats to and labeled “domestic terrorists”. The MIAC report, and the SPLC reports go out to all law enforcement agencies across the US.
This new domestic terrorism council is described by Jay Carlin of the DOJ: “Looking back over the past few years, it is clear that domestic terrorists and homegrown violent extremists remain a real and present danger to the United States”. The MIAC report encouraged law enforcement “to scrutinize Americans who oppose abortion, illegal immigration and the rapid growth of the government, all of which are views shared by a plurality of Donald Trump supporters”.
more on the new DOJ council next page
That would include most of congress too.
A take over in progress, there will be no election in 2016.
Wait to we get all our new Muslim friends over here you won’t even recognize this country anymore. Thank you Obama. And voters
Has Dr. Ben Carlson been taken off the list yet?
It’ll be interesting to see the defining description of what classifies as a domestic terrorist…
Why in the world did the DOJ need another do nothing division? So they could hire more do nothing employees and spend more money that we don’t have.
Let the revolutionary war begin
Wow! True Americans & christians considered Dom estic terrorist & wh
It is time for US states to Secede from the Union . America will be divided again… Not by north & south — but by the people and the government …
Their not on the list..Just Christians, patriots, anyone against gay marriage, anyone against immigration, etc..You know, us good folk that are left..