Obama’s Justice Department is now requiring tens of thousands of federal agents and prosecutors into “implicit bias” training programs. What does that mean? Agents will be forced through a program meant to minimize the bias toward black men committing crimes.
This is so fascinatingly backward it could only come from Obama.
Liberals will be quick to point out that black men are over-represented in prison and over-represented in police-related shootings. They’ll conveniently leave out that they’re also over-represented when it comes to the number of crimes they commit.
It is an undeniable fact: Black men simply commit more crimes than their counterparts.
Somehow, holding them accountable for their crimes has become unacceptable. Instead, federal agents and prosecutors are being told that these statistics aren’t facts, but a symptom of racism.
See how may people are being subjected to Obama’s fabrication of facts in the report on the next page:
Black criminals have earned their reputation. You are not going to change what and who they have become by choice, by changing what they are called.
Hi, I’m more angry at 4 dead in #Benghazi than 4486 dead in Iraq.
I also plan to stick it to the man by voting for a billionaire landlord.
This is NONSENSE, these Criminals are going to Kill MORE People!!
Not a lawful order – ignore it!
Like they have always said. Do the crime do the time. Get it you dumb$#%&!@*muslim
Why don’t you stop mollycoddling them and teach them to be Men instead of poor me cry babies or doesn’t that help your agenda!!!! Respect for themselves and for other people and their property goes a long way!!! Too Bad You all voted for that divider in chief, he did nothing for you– just brought you down to basement level!!! Wise Up!!
((((( TRUMP 2016 ))))) (y) TRUMP TRUMP Donald Trump For President
both are more interested in helping criminal escape justice, double that if they happen to be black
What next? Who sits in an office and thinks of all these things???