Obama continues his despotic agenda with a new “domestic terrorism” bureaucracy. Of course it will ignore Islamists. Instead, it will direct its power on the real terrorists in our midst: Republicans, tea party adherents, religious groups and churches, Global Warming deniers, and essentially anyone who disagrees with Obama.
“Americans motivated by anti-government views and racist ideologies” will be the focus of a new Department of Justice position, John Carlin told a George Washington University crowd today. What that means is on the next page:
Be nice wouldnt it, vote trump
The British called it “sedition”, and hanged people, after mock “tials”, for it. We threw the British out. Why haven’t we thrown Obama out?
U guys cant even keep track of all the illegals coming in what thinks u can do anything right
Mao, Stalin$#%&!@* Castro, Lennin…yupper, nothing new here!
Paul revere, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson…wonder what King Louie thought of them guys?
I am a Constitutional Concervative. I am not against the government granted powers. I am against the presidential decrees that override the law of the land. Obama is a law breaker. The law makers are in our Congress! See and know the difference
another step to taking away free speech, and ensnare anyone and eveeryone you wish under a broad stroke…
Anti oboma views maybe.