Obama continues his despotic agenda with a new “domestic terrorism” bureaucracy. Of course it will ignore Islamists. Instead, it will direct its power on the real terrorists in our midst: Republicans, tea party adherents, religious groups and churches, Global Warming deniers, and essentially anyone who disagrees with Obama.
“Americans motivated by anti-government views and racist ideologies” will be the focus of a new Department of Justice position, John Carlin told a George Washington University crowd today. What that means is on the next page:
Going to arrest everyone in America that is not a democrat or communist!
I know I’m on their list.
And so it begins… And you wonder how$#%&!@*came to power!!!
they better be targeting Anti american in and out of the Government !!
everyone is anti government.no one wants a comunist muslim scumbag government.can,t wait to clean house and start hearings on these asswipes and start jailing them
Americans are not entitled to their own opinion??? I thought this was a “free country”??????
So, what are they going to do? Put a couple hundred million people “in jail?”
ovomit is the one with critical voice against American gov. and our constitution,, we need a military coup to clean up all our gov. and get back to the constitution
how about targeting Isis,Iran and etc. don’t they have Anti-Government views,….not the people of the U.S. they are for freedom
Hey man Iran joined Russia to fight Obumfudge ‘ s ISIS. Back off Iran our government created this mess due to greed.