Obama continues his despotic agenda with a new “domestic terrorism” bureaucracy. Of course it will ignore Islamists. Instead, it will direct its power on the real terrorists in our midst: Republicans, tea party adherents, religious groups and churches, Global Warming deniers, and essentially anyone who disagrees with Obama.
“Americans motivated by anti-government views and racist ideologies” will be the focus of a new Department of Justice position, John Carlin told a George Washington University crowd today. What that means is on the next page:
You know a friend will calm you down when you are angry, But a best friend will skip beside you with an AR singing “Someone’s gonadotropin get it”!
Not hard to do with this Administration.
a excuse to build his own agenda with a libtard army for martial law but his visions will fail there are more good americans than libtard monsters willing to kill for obamba
Another way to target Christians. That is all that this is!
well this should cover any body who believe in the constitution and bill of rights
I lived 20 minutes outside DC for 30+ years… let me tell you this. The DOJ/ Homeland Security have to get through the Pentagon before they start kicking down peoples doors for being “anti-government”. There are plans in the works to take corruption out of the military and eliminate Homeland Security completely.
The new “Captain America” comic book shows him dealing with “home grown” terrorists.
???World.. American Center for Law and Justice
going after the wrong people you should be investigating the DOJ the IRS and any of you government agencys under Obama
Does that mean anti government or anti whatever the liberals want? Because I’m pro government which means the government doing what the majority of American citizens want. But I’m anti when it comes to what the politicians want if it goes against the constitution and against what the majority wants.